Hello, this is a game in very early development, you could say that it is my first extensive video game, so here you will find a too early version of the game, where is the basic idea of a game of the Beat Em Up genre, there is still no release date, but you can try what you have here by downloading the early version of the game :D

If you have a question you can comment.


FightWorm Alpha 2.rar 48 MB
The FightWorm(Alpha 0.1).zip 58 MB

Install instructions

The first thing you must to be able to play FightWorm is to unzip the .rar file you downloaded, after that, you must go to the folder that you just unzipped, in which you will find some files, a thank you and the executable which is called "FightWorm", after that enjoy the game ;). 

Development log

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